Users and Roles

USER - BTC Podcasting Administration Level

USER - BTC Podcasting Administration Level

Only Superadmins can add and edit "users". A user is basically a Castopod user with login data. The superadmin needs to add a new user, as soon as a podcaster wants to join.

Add the role "podcaster" to the new user.

CONTRIBUTOR - Podcast Administration Level

Superadmin has to add the new created user to their podcast. Otherwise they can't edit it. Give role "Admin"

PERSONS - BTC Podcasting Administration Level

Persons are episode guests, or audio editors

only Superadmins can create Persons

PERSONS - Podcast Administration Level

After the Superadmin has added new Persons to the BTC Podcasting system Contributers / Podcasters can add the person to their podcast and or episode and attach a role like Co-Host or Audio Engineer etc.

Last updated